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  • British Columbia (BC) – the most westerly province of Canada is widely known for its unique climate and landscape. The geography and location allows for a landscape of sharp contrasts: Rain forest and desert, white water and quiet alpine lakes, Rocky Mountains and Pacific Ocean, Bears and Hummingbirds, First Nations and Cowboy romance,

    The Okanagan Valley is positioned in the center of BC and is internationally known for the unusual climate. Who would expect CANADA? Long warm summers and to find Mediterranean weather in short snowy winters are typical of our Okanagan climate. Peaches, grapes and apricots are among Okanagan harvests.

    Oh yes, there is also OGOPOGO. Who is that? Well, it is the “Lake Monster” of the 100-mile-long Okanagan Lake. Whether it is fact or story, photos have been shot and hi-tech underwater scientists searched for it (Japanese in 2000). Maybe you’ll see him around…don’t worry, he supposedly does not bite!